[ PART I ]


  • Fashion is a term that usually applies to a prevailing mode of expression, but quite often applies to a personal mode of expression that may or may not apply to all. Inherent in the term is the idea that the mode will change more quickly than the culture as a whole.

  • The term "fashion" is frequently used in a positive sense, as a synonym for glamour and style. In this sense, fashions are a sort of communal art, through which a culture examines its notions of beauty and goodness.

  • Fashion in clothes has allowed wearers to express emotion or solidarity with other people for millennia. Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes.

  • When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.

  • Fashions may vary significantly within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as well as over time. If, for example, an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people. The terms " fashionista" or "fashion victim" refer to someone who slavishly follows the current fashions (implementations of fashion).


  • The duration of fashion’s importance is a critical fashion designers or manufactures concern. A fashion can be brief or of long duration. Once having identified this characteristic, a designer is in a position to assess a fashions importance to the retail inventory.

  • Fashion is classified into many types, such as:

    Style, classic and collection, fad, Fashion Forecasting, trend, chic, costume made, fashion cycle, haute couture, couturier, fashion director, fashion editor, line, knock-off avant garde, bridge, buying house, apparel, fashion merchandising, pre-a-porter, sample etc....


  • Style is not Fashion. Fashion is a designer’s or an editor’s point of view, which may happen to overlap with your own Style from time to time use Fashion as a tool to create Style, but by itself, Fashion is not Style. Fashion isn’t at all individual.

  • Style is always constant. It does not change whereas fashion changes. It is not constant. It is the modification of fashion. Style is the basic outline of any garment.

  • In the fashion world, “style” is usually shorthand for personal style,” or the way an individual expresses themselves through aesthetic choices such as their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit together.

  • When we use a different neckline and different sleeves with some trimming here and there over a basic garment then the basic garment is modified into a different look or a different outfit, this modification ferment will become fashion, when it is accepted by people.

  • The term style is a popular word in fashion and refers to a sub-division within fashion. By definition, it is that which has certain characteristics that distinguish it from other designs. For example, the fashion could be pleated skirt, yet the style is box pleat. It is a common fallacy to believe that the famous designers create fashions.

  • They create styles which they hope will be accepted. When and if there is consumer support the style then becomes fashion. It is repetitious but important to stress that fashion is synonymous with acceptance.


    A Fad is something which can either make a designer’s life more interesting or tenser. Very often something appears on the fashion scene tat captures the imagination, only to fizzle out in short duration. Fads are novelty driven fashion choices. A fad is often referred to as catching on” with the larger population, but will often fade as quickly as it appeared.

    Overall, Fad can be defined as short lived fashion, lasting for a very little time or period, acceptable by only a certain group of people.

For example, hippies – their clothing, accessories, hairstyles, etc..

     As Fad is short lived fashion, it stays for a very short period, because they are very costly and every one cannot afford to buy it.

For example, dhoti salwar, tube shirts and so on.

      A fashion expert is a selection for consumers on selecting what is more likely to be accepted going overboard for short lived fashion so Fad can be costly



  • A classic fashion is a style that lasts for several seasons, sometimes even years, and is accepted by a wide range of people. When a fashion is constant or long lasting, such as, salwar kameez and saree, it is called Classic.


  • The salwar kameez and saree are part of fashion scene. A customer has one or more in her wardrobe, to be worn to suit different occasions. In certain times, the basic becomes the most important promotable fashion, but, in or out, they remain as a part of the fashion secne.

  • Threre are many outfits that fall into this classification, such as, chudidhar, kurta, dupattas, shirt and trousers, plain or pleated skirts and denims, etc. there are general fashions that lasts for years, such as, the saree, the single breasted men’s suit Basics or Classics are the outfits which stays in the fashion scene for a long period of time that is from past to present and even in future it stands , we can see the saris and salwar kameez worn in it may be with a slight change or modification accordingly.

  • Each season, the design and merchandising departments of each division are responsible for creating a new line, the seasonal collection that the manufacturer will sell to retail store buyers. The terms are synonymous: Collection is used primarily in Europe and for high-period apparel in the United States. Line is used more often in the United States for moderately and popularly priced fashion .

  • A fashion collection generally refers to clothing produced for a particular season. ... It is essentially a selection of outfits and individual garments that fashion designers put together for the upcoming season.


    Chic is a French word, established in English since at least the 1870s, that has come to mean smart or stylish. Over the years "chic" has been applied to, among other things, social events, situations, individuals, and modes or styles of dress. Recurring generic terms included designer chic (associated with the styles of particular coutouriers - the 1980s became known as the "designer decade") and retro-chic (adopting elements of fashion from the past: e.g. "Victorian chic", "sixties chic", "Georgian chic", "1920s Riviera chic"


    The elaborate detail and intricate and dressmaking at that time required an enormous amount of painstaking hand labor. All clothes were not only hand make but also custom-made. Each garment was made to fit the customer’s exact measurements. Dresses and suits were individually sewn by dressmakers or tailors to their employers specifications. The identities of personal dressmakers were secrets guarded by the wealthy. No one wanted to share the talents of clever dressmakers for fear of losing them.


  • Mannequin also called a manikin, dummy, lay figure, or dress form, refers to an often articulated doll used by artists, tailors, dressmakers, window-dressers and others especially to display or fit clothing.

  • Mannequins are used to highlight the unique collections of the store. Mannequins display the latest trends in fashion and influence the customers to buy the particular merchandise. Mannequins attract the customers into the store and thus increase the revenue and profit.

  • Mannequins change with fashion trends and are made in the image of the current ideal of beauty. For elegant fashion, perfectly coiffed, traditional life-like Mannequins are preferred. However, they are very expensive to buy and to maintain. To save money, many stores have replaced them with less expensive papier-mâché torsos or unpainted “Mannequins alternatives.”


  • A fashion show (French défilé de mode) is an event put on by a fashion designer to showcase their upcoming line of clothing and/or accessories during Fashion Week.

  • Fashion shows debut every season, particularly the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter seasons. This is where the latest fashion trends are made.

  • Fashion shows are special events that communicate a fashion story. The selection and organization of the fashions and model bookings may be done by the fashion office, whereas invitations and other arrangements may be handled by the special events department.

  • There are four possible ways to organize these presentations: formal shows, department shows, designer trunk shows, or informal modeling.


  • Trend refers to what is popular at a certain point in time. The term trend is often used in relation to fashion. In the fashion industry, trend refers to the fashions that are popular at a given point in time. For example, swing dresses were the trend in the 1950s

  • Fashion trends are the styling ideas that major collections have in common. They indicate the direction in which fashion is moving. Fashion forecasters look for the styles they think are prophetic, ideas that capture the mood of the times and signal a new fashion trend.

  • Several designers may use a similar fashion idea because they have been inspired by common sources. The trend may appear in a fabrication, a silhouette, or another design element that appears in several collections. Very often, a new trend appears in small doses until it spreads to other collections.

  • As the press notices similarities between collections and highlights them, the media exposure also helps establish the trends.

  • Evaluating the collections becomes one way a designer, working for a mainstream manufacturer, can research fashion direction. As designers are not invited to the shows, they must evaluate by shopping in major fashion capitals or using design services, magazines, and newspapers.

  • For retail buyers, it is becoming a huge challenge to figure out which trends will become fashion basics, like capris, and which are only fads, such as pony prints.

  • Buyers have to become very flexible in their buying patterns and cautious about inventory management. If the market becomes flooded with a new trend, consumers may react negatively to the overexposure.

  • Empowered by the Internet and television, global trends are moving at an accelerating pace. The life-span of a trend is now about five months instead of a year. For the junior market, the span is only three months.


  • Fashion forecasting is a global career that focuses on upcoming trends. A fashion forecaster predicts the colors, fabrics, textures, materials, prints, graphics, beauty/grooming, accessories, footwear, street style, and other styles that will be presented on the runway and in the stores for the upcoming seasons.

  • This is the important part of fashion scenario because when any new garment is designed by the designer and worn, it will not create fashion by itself. It needs the media to spread fashion and this media which spread fashion and gets the fame and name to the designers is Fashion Forecasting. Fashion Forecasting is done through many communicating media, such as, cinema, fashion shows, press, magazines, newspapers and window display. It includes

  • Market research

  • Consumer research

  • Surveys

  • Consumer focus groups

  • In-store informal interviews

  • Shopping

  • Sales Records

  • Evaluating the collections

  • Fashion Trends

  • Trend for Target Markets

Fashion Forecasting is done where crowd is formed in such occasion, so that it can create fashion.


  • High fashion, also known as haute couture, is characterized by extremely unique clothing designs, high cost, high-quality fabrics, unique designs, and jewelry embellishments. These clothing are hand-made by experts, most often, to the wearer's specifications. the houses or designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions for women also : the fashions created.

  • Haute couture the type of fashion design which predominated until the 1950s was "madeto-measure" or haute couture, ( French for high needlework).

  • The term made-to-measure may be used for any garment that is created for a specific client.

  • Haute couture, however, is a protected term which can only be officially used by companies that meet certain well-defined standards set by the Chambre Syndicale de la Couture. Nonetheless, many ready-to-wear, and even mass market labels, claim to produce haute couture, when in fact, according to established standards, they do not.

  • A couture garment is made to order for an individual customer, and is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric, sewn with extreme attention to detail and finish, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques.

  • Look and fit take priority over the cost of materials and the time it takes to make The term can refer to:

  • The fashion houses or fashion designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions ·

  • The fashions created

Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from highquality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finish, often using timeconsuming, hand-executed techniques.






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